AS newspaper: "We have focused on finding the solution to each of the pathologies that affect the foot of patients"


Interview with Dr. Juan Luis Párraga, specialist in podiatric surgery. We have been in Marbella getting to know a prestigious podiatry clinic, speaking with Dr. Juan Luis Párraga to get to know him a little better.

Dr. Juan Luis Párraga to start, what is it and how has your career been?

I started in Olvera, I got my degree in Ronda and now I am in Marbella, that's how I summarize my career. I have dedicated my life to the care of the fundamental pillar of the human being, the feet. My beginnings were with my father, as are those of my daughter Carmen Párraga who has been by my side for several years learning the minimally invasive technique that we perform in my clinic, also my son Juan Luis Párraga who is studying medicine, and my son Raúl Párraga who is in his first steps, so that together we can bring the Párraga Footclínic Project to as many people as possible, and we can continue helping and above all providing a better quality of life to our patients.

Could you explain to us what your work at Párraga Footclínic consists of?

My job is only to find the solution to the problem. I will explain it to you better, us and I say we because it is not only my job, it is the work of an excellent team of professionals who are by my side. We carry out treatments for different foot pathologies, but what we have really focused on is finding the solution to each of those pathologies that affect the foot of patients. With a minimally invasive surgical technique, we have managed to help thousands of people to solve their foot problems that would previously be unthinkable, just getting some improvement. This has led me to practice different types of techniques that we call the Párraga Technique.

Yes, we have heard about the Párraga technique, what is the Párraga technique?

They are different techniques for the different pathologies that, based on studies and experience, I have perfected to solve almost all types of pathologies and also, to be able to help patients who come without being able to walk because they have undergone surgery but with very poor evolution. tion.

Dr. Párraga, what services do you offer at Párraga Footclinic?

We are specialists in minimally invasive surgery, different pathologies such as bunions, claw toes, metatarsalgia (which is pain in the soles of the feet), hallux rigidus, corns, spurs, Morton's neuroma and for many other pathologies we also have available to our patients a chiropody service, insoles, nail fungus, ingrown toenails...etc.

Do you offer any special service for athletes?

Our clinic has several treatments to help athletes, there are many that we receive with particular injuries, so we have experience to assess and make an accurate diagnosis and good treatment. We also have state-of-the-art techniques and cutting-edge technology, such as the latest generation laser machine for eliminating the problem of ingrown toenails, nail fungus, very common pathologies in athletes, along with techniques for pain and ligament injuries.

We have read numerous articles, we have witnessed numerous recognitions and awards given for your professionalism, such as the cum laude award from the European forum and the prize from the doctoralia platform, but we would like to know why do you think that so many people recommend it?

That is a nice question because I don't know, I like to think that it is because I am a professional dedicated to my patients, because honor and honesty represent me, because I do my work with love and dedication, because each patient who sits in front of Me, I not only see the foot but the person, I listen to him and I feel flattered because he trusts me so that he has a better quality of life, perhaps it will be an accumulation of many things.
