Ingrown toenail in Marbella
Ingrown toenail in Marbella

To help prevent an ingrown toenail, do the following:

  • Cut your toenails straight.
  • Keep your toenails moderate in length.
  • Wear shoes that fit properly. Shoes that squeeze or put too much pressure on the toes can cause the nail to grow into the surrounding tissue.
  • Wear protective footwear. If your job puts you at risk of injuring your feet, wear protective footwear, such as steel-toed shoes.
  • Carry out a continuous review of your feet.

It is a condition that appears when the edge of the nail digs into the soft flesh of the finger, causing redness, pain, inflammation and sometimes even infection.

This pathology affects, above all, the big toe although it can occur in any other toe.

An ingrown toenail can be the result of many factors. Ill-fitting shoes and improperly groomed toenails are the most common causes. The skin along the edge of a toenail can turn red and become infected. The big toe is usually affected, but any toenail can be ingrown


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