It is the specialty of podiatry that treats pathologies and injuries of the foot that are manifested by causes of sports origin. It is responsible for balancing pressures and avoiding excessive fatigue in ligaments, muscles, tendons and joints of athletes, with the ultimate goal of preventing injuries.

It is evident that foot health is essential for anyone, whatever their age. The feet support the weight of the entire body and suffer more than necessary due to the overload to which they are exposed in each of our movements.

Imagine the overexertion that our feet exert when supporting our body weight during sports practice, and even more so in high-intensity sports: such as running.

At Párraga Foot Clinic we have the most advanced technology for the morphological and functional examination of athletes, always thinking of extracting the maximum information from athletes' feet and thus being able to offer them the best treatment according to their needs


Benefits for the athlete

Sports podiatry entails numerous benefits, among which are: Improve performance and avoid a significant number of injuries related to the way of walking, the tread and the way of running, since the anatomical distribution and biomechanical profile of each one It can predispose you to suffer certain pathologies.