Chiropody is the podiatry treatment that consists of removing calluses and alterations in the toenails, in order to avoid and prevent possible discomfort caused by the use of inappropriate footwear.

It is directed, on the one hand, to avoid pain, and, on the other, to avoid future, more serious injuries, such as painful ulcerations that can prevent walking.

All treatments are carried out under the maximum guarantee of sterilization provided by podiatry consultations after meticulous health checks.

In chiropodies or reviews, the podiatrist will be able to assess possible infections in both the nails and feet, such as warts or onychomycosis / dermatomycosis (fungus on the nails or on the skin).In addition to all this, your podiatrist will explain everything you need to take proper care of your feet, including hygiene and daily hydration that he must carry out to keep them in perfect condition.